Silvia Club of NSW

Why drive when you can drift?
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 9:05 pm 
Admin Team
Admin Team

Joined: Sun Dec 30, 2001 11:00 am
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Car: 2012 Golf TSI... least its boosted!
Real Name: Martin
Well it’s finally been opened, SilviaNSW now has a Woolworth’s Ezy Action account (we chose this mainly because there are no fees).

The account details are as follows:
BSB: 06 2693
ACC: 1286 7633
NAME: Silvia NSW

Unfortunately we had to put it in a personal name in order to get the Ezy Action account (and thus no banking fees), but don't let that fool you, this account is 100% for SilviaNSW. (We had previously opened a St George account when the club was first started, but after less than 6 months our account was eaten away with banking fees, that is out main reason for this style of account)

We will be keeping a record of people who donate and how much (so please make sure if your doing a Direct Deposit you put your nickname / forum account name as the description).

Hopefully in the near future we will be able to send out free WWW.SILVIANSW.COM stickers to everyone who donates over $20-$25.

At the end of every 2 weeks or monthly (depending on account activity) we will be posting a PDF print out of the account so that everyone can see the amount in the account and what it’s being used for (mainly hosting the website and also events etc).

Direct Deposit is preferred, but we will accept donations at club events, simply see me and I can take all the necessary info etc.

We have also setup an email address ( for anything in regards to donations, questions, information etc. Please use this for anything relating to donations and to let us know of how generous you have been (so we can add you to the list/records).

This thread is locked so only admins can post, as we want to keep it clean and only with relevant donations information and account statements etc.

Here is the first statement (thanks to our first donations of $10 by still_life at the recent BBQ):
Opening Statement 6/10/2003 (You must right click and then select 'save As')

Please donate as little or as much as you want, but please try and keep it to whole dollar donations (e.g. $1, $2, $5 etc.).

Co-Founder, President & Webmaster -
Why drive when you can drift?

Last edited by mayhem on Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 12:07 am 
Admin Team
Admin Team

Joined: Sun Dec 30, 2001 11:00 am
Posts: 5996
Location: In front of some computational device :P
Car: 2012 Golf TSI... least its boosted!
Real Name: Martin
Ok, it has been decided that people who donate over $25 will be given a forum rank of "SilviaNSW Supporter" and will also have this image to the right side of their name (when viewing posts etc):


They will remain this way for a period of around 6-12 months from the date of donation, this is mainly to encourage people to donate anually or whenever possible to help maintain the site and club organised events.

Please note, this is NOT instead of stickers, they are still on the books once we get enough donations to cover the frist build purchase... its just another thing we can do to make it known that they are the people who are helping to keep this club and site alive !!!

Co-Founder, President & Webmaster -
Why drive when you can drift?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 11:17 am 
Admin Team
Admin Team

Joined: Sun Dec 30, 2001 11:00 am
Posts: 5996
Location: In front of some computational device :P
Car: 2012 Golf TSI... least its boosted!
Real Name: Martin
1st of November Donations Update:

Well thanks to all that have donated so far, the account is now upto $336.00 and we can start to allocate funds to site hosting upgrades etc.

Second Statement 01/11/2003 (You must right click and then select 'save As')

Current List of Donators (You must right click and then select 'save As')

Co-Founder, President & Webmaster -
Why drive when you can drift?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 11:01 am 
Admin Team
Admin Team

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Car: 2012 Golf TSI... least its boosted!
Real Name: Martin
6th of January 2004 Donations Update:

The donations are still coming in, thanks people. Especially Tripper who has now donated over $90 !!!

The total account is now upto $504.00, so I will start getting quotes for stickers ASAP.

Third Statement 06/01/2004 (You must right click and then select 'save As')

Co-Founder, President & Webmaster -
Why drive when you can drift?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 10:52 pm 
Admin Team
Admin Team

Joined: Sun Dec 30, 2001 11:00 am
Posts: 5996
Location: In front of some computational device :P
Car: 2012 Golf TSI... least its boosted!
Real Name: Martin
24th of February 2004 Donations Update:

Once again, thanks to all those that donated, especially the increasing number of $50 donations from people.

I hope I will have the stickers in time, cause seems like ALOT of people will be getting free stickers at the BBQ cruise :) So make sure your there !!

Its amazing, the account has almost doubled in just over 5 weeks, we now have approx. $796.

Fourth Statement 24/02/2004 (You must right click and then select 'save As')

Donators List 24/02/2004 (You must right click and then select 'save As')

SilviaNSW Payments 24/02/2004 (You must right click and then select 'save As')

We will be upgrading/renewing hosting within in the next 2 weeks (~$120) and then most of the remaining funds will be used to purchase 100 stickers to give to large donation members and sell cheaply to everyone else (just to recover cost etc).

Co-Founder, President & Webmaster -
Why drive when you can drift?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 12:04 pm 
Admin Team
Admin Team

Joined: Sun Dec 30, 2001 11:00 am
Posts: 5996
Location: In front of some computational device :P
Car: 2012 Golf TSI... least its boosted!
Real Name: Martin

It is important that you clearly comment your donation so that we can give credit to those people that support the club :)

Co-Founder, President & Webmaster -
Why drive when you can drift?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 8:50 pm 
Admin Team
Admin Team

Joined: Sun Dec 30, 2001 11:00 am
Posts: 5996
Location: In front of some computational device :P
Car: 2012 Golf TSI... least its boosted!
Real Name: Martin
24th of February 2004 Donations Update:

Account Balance:

Thanks to all that have donated so far.

Where are the funds going?
Just to keep everyone updated, the donations fund is spent on the following:
- Hosting the website
- Purchasing and printing the t-shirts for the club
- Funding the club events such as dyno days, bbq's etc

Without these contributions the club would not be able to organise these great things for you, the members... so please help support the club and keep this community alive and kicking to better provide for all the members !

Co-Founder, President & Webmaster -
Why drive when you can drift?

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