Hey guys,
I bought a set of Advan RGII about a month ago, the seller told me it was 17 x 9 & 10 but once recieved was only 8" & 9". In +37 Offset and has the aggresive concave spokes. These clear my big brakes so those running bigger brakes will have no dramas.
These are too narrow for my car, and i used them once for a track day.
They are in great nick with no gutter rashes and very straigh. In White.
These are over $3000 new, but i will sell them for $1200 (No tyres are included) Id consider swaps for something 17 x 9 & 10
Here is a pic of them on My car:
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3001/308 ... 814e_b.jpg