Silvia Club of NSW

skidpan day on 27th of this month
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Author:  radism [ Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:33 am ]
Post subject: 

if anyone cares, i was overall pretty disappointed with this skidpan day. if it's indicative of days run by driftmob in general, i wont be attending another.

I signed up to go to this with the promise that there would be 25 cars max. there was at least 40 cars there on the day. and it was so loosely organised that there were randoms rocking up in civics and having a go on the slalom.

and in terms of courses, they seriously ran 3 courses all day long. this is probably because it took half an hour between turns cos there were so many cars lined up and waiting.

and it seemed to a few of us that there were a group of cars that were getting preferential treatment behind the disguise that they were taking passengers out. understandably a few of them were driftmob's own cars that i guess they hire out to paying customers to learn in, but there were a few other cars that just seemed to get a few more turns that the others that were waiting in line.

all in all, high disappointed and i've requested to get a refund of my membership which i foolishly signed up for in the morning thinking that i would be going often and i'd get a yearly cams licence out of it. think i'll just get a cams licence through nscc or something instead.

hope the car's all good locky. nice meeting you whyte!

Author:  ~bb~ [ Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

that is a shame to hear radism.. I was hoping to go to the next one (the boy had to get a full knee reconstruction so I couldnt attend). I guess its a good thing i didnt waste money on getting f/a out of the day...
civics.. wtf?!

Author:  Serial Killa [ Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

understeer mob?

Author:  whyte [ Tue Jun 30, 2009 12:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

yeah me and a few others were also disappointed about the lack of time on the pan, long waits lining up and how the ppl giving passenger rides were given first preference and they were able to do 2/3:1 run ratio.

im in the same boat as rad, won't be attending another, you're saving $20-$30 to enter but i rather pay the extar $20-$30 to get double the track time.

nice seeing you finally pop them tyres radism! lol :P

Author:  Phillb [ Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow that is a dissapointing response..

Rad you know your always welcome at NSCC and if you attend our events they will definitely be run right and fair!

I couldn't attend as I got an opportunity to go to Marulan on the Monday just passed for a private track day.

I'm glad I spent my money wisely then :)

Author:  radism [ Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

thanks phill. i'll be in touch pretty soon regarding membership renewal. do i get a new set of stickers to pretty my car up with ? :P

thanks whyte. i was pretty happy to see you take first blood and that seemed to speed proceedings up for you a bit as well. i gave up finally and resorted to doing a brake job which wasn't very nice on my paint job (will have to get it resprayed around the rear arches because some of the tiny scratches are down to the metal) but i managed to get 2 tyres out in the open. nowhere near my quota for the day seeing as i took 8 skid rims with me to the day and only used 4, but it was good to get sideways none the less.

we should get another silvia nsw one happening again. they were awesome.

Author:  Phillb [ Tue Jun 30, 2009 4:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

radism wrote:
thanks phill. i'll be in touch pretty soon regarding membership renewal. do i get a new set of stickers to pretty my car up with ? :P

Fresh stickers won't be a problem for your fresh new ride :)

Will have come to our weekly catch up on a Wednesday night at Max Brenna's in St Ives, Its always good for a laugh!!

Author:  Serial Killa [ Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think I will be joining NSCC soon too. Seems to be where all the cool kids hang out :P

Author:  radism [ Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

that place is so close to me phill that i could walk. but that would be stupid! of course i'd drive :P

hit me a pm if you've got a spare minute regarding what i need to do to renew membership if you dont mind actually mate.

and brendan, hopefully you'll do it on the blacktop, not just hang out :P

Author:  Serial Killa [ Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:15 am ]
Post subject: 

radism wrote:

and brendan, hopefully you'll do it on the blacktop, not just hang out :P

I'll skid!

I'll try not to hit any guard rails too :P

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