Silvia Club of NSW

Your friendly police officer
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Author:  ZEi250t [ Wed Mar 24, 2004 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Your friendly police officer

On the way home from working at UNSW today. i went through an orange light turning right from high st onto anzac parade - for the people that know the intersection - heading for the city. i had to give it some throttle, so when i backed off, obviously there was some flutter. anyway, there was a cop sitting at the lights, he hits the lights and sounds and i pull over. anyway, he heard my BOV when i turned the corner, PLUS i didnt stop and went through an orange light . oooohhh bad me!!! he asked for my licence, and also for an engineers certificate for my enxhaust. hahah yeah ur funny orificer! anyway, apparently it was my lucky day, they got a call for a brawl somewhere, and i was let go. he was probably going to defect me.

So WTF? why pull me over for bullshit. oh no, he heard my BOV, id like to know how he heard it. its in a bag in the boot of my car. dumbass cop. plus, i dont HAVE to stop at an orange light if its unsafe to stop at the line - which it was in my case. Anyway, they piss me off. they should all be sacked.

ohh and thanks for the people that started the fight to get me off :P

Author:  plaYboY [ Wed Mar 24, 2004 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Your friendly police officer

zei20l wrote:

ohh and thanks for the people that started the fight to get me off :P

no problems, anytime :P

Author:  CraZeeE [ Wed Mar 24, 2004 9:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

farking cops,

nah they are usu ok but when they pretend they know about cars, it makes things painful....

where abouts u work at uni?

and playboy i swear i saw ur car the other day at uni, can u pm me ur no plate?

Author:  plaYboY [ Wed Mar 24, 2004 10:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

CraZeeE wrote:

and playboy i swear i saw ur car the other day at uni, can u pm me ur no plate?

pm sent :wink:

Author:  ZEi250t [ Wed Mar 24, 2004 11:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

i dont work there as such. im a contractor and i have our equipment at built faculty, the library copy/print system and TRC in the MB building. im there a bit. the cops usually dont annoy me in that area. this guy was young so he probably wanted to show off to the chick copper int he back of the car

ohh yeah. meant to say also that they drove their patrol car OVER the HUGE median strip to get to the other side of the road. dont drive the 10m and use the intersection. no, that would be too fuckin hard. thats my hard earned taxes paying for that car. DONT DRIVE IT LIKE A FUCKWIT!

Author:  fergo308 [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 7:14 am ]
Post subject: 

seriously mate,get over it.
you went through an orange light,in a loud car,with defectable items on it,and got pulled over for going through the orange,which you aren't allowed to do,unless it's pretty obvious it would be unsafe to try.

asking for proof the exhaust is legal is legitimate,as was pulling you over in the first place.
if I was you,I'd be bitching less,and being more thankful that you didn't get defected for the exhaust,and written up for running a red light, which they could have done if they'd wanted to.
was it really unsafe for you to stop at the orange,or did you just not want to wait for the lights?

cops aren't out there to make your life hard,they're there to enforce the law.
don't give them excuses to pull you over and it'll happen less often.


Author:  too_much_boost [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 9:17 am ]
Post subject: 

Stop being an old woman Justin.. :P

Author:  mokompri [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 9:52 am ]
Post subject: 

haha i think saying cops arent there to make our lives hard, is a naive optimistic view, i mean c'mon who believes that shit ! sure there are decent ones, but there are plenty that just want to make life difficult, i dont see the problem with going through an amber light, its not illegal so why should you get pulled over for it ?
the only defectable item was the exhaust, as i understand it, and thats pety...

Author:  Razor [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 11:18 am ]
Post subject: 

The problem of going through an amber light is so when you go through it, and you run over the lady with the pram, the guy jogging or the three school kids crossing the road because they thought you were stopping.

Cops give you shit and if you barred up at them it doesn't help the rest of us car enthusiasts. As unfortunate as it may be, cars like ours are associated with street racing which is associated with crime.

You may say that’s a load of shit, but when you use half of your brain and use process of elimination, it is correct. You may not be associated with crime, but there are some people out there that wreck it for the rest of us.

You running that amber light (which is still an offence) and having your loud exhaust is a reason to stop you and check you out. You may not like this, but if you think about it, it IS good. They're doing their job by trying to find fuckwits (not saying your one) and at the same time, enforcing the law, it is there job. Don't forget because there was a brawl doesn't mean they have to go. They could have sat there and written up the tickets and said stick it.

- my two cents.

Author:  Nismodified [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 12:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Razor wrote:
They're doing their job by trying to find fuckwits (not saying your one)

Bwahahahhhhaahahhahahahhaha :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Scathing [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 12:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

In a tenuously related note, I didn't get pulled over by a cop for speeding last night. :)

I was coming down a hill doing around 80km/hr in a 60km/hr zone, and the lead car coming up the hill flashes its high beams at me.

I slow down anyway, and as I get closer I see that its a pursuit vehicle (so the vehicle has all the relevant speed measuring equipment etc). He didn't try hooking a massive U-turn to pull me over, and even if he'd gone somewhere safe, he would have caught me before I decided to pull into a side street and drive down some back roads "just in case".

Author:  nissan97t [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 1:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've been a passenger in a car when we got booked for going through an orange light. I think the ticket said disobeying the traffic signals and it cost my mate 3 points. I guess he should have just locked up and stopped in the middle of the intersection !

Author:  mokompri [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 2:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

nissan97t wrote:
I've been a passenger in a car when we got booked for going through an orange light. I think the ticket said disobeying the traffic signals and it cost my mate 3 points. I guess he should have just locked up and stopped in the middle of the intersection !

see you could argue, that if he were to do this, it could have caused an accident with someone from behind, instead of hitting some granny or wateva(and which is more logical and likely, realism here ppl!)... tru of course we are all branded as 'racers' or 'fukwits' to cops, and at the same time, thanks to the 'few' cops that are dipshits, we brand them all 'fukwits' and what not :wink:
its a two way street here, if they wanna stereotype and be assholes when they wanna, then its only natural they we stereotype them all as fat donut munching morons with nothing better to do but pull over ppl and make life a misery !! :D

Author:  ZEi250t [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 2:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

ahhh yeah thanks fergo..... maybe you should be a cop, or maybe you already are

when a light is amber in your favour, there shouldnt be any pedestrians on the road, if there are, they are breaking the law. anyway i was blowing off steam.

if i HAD braked for the lights, whos to say the person behind me wouldnt have stopped and hit me. its happened before when i stopped at an orange light. the damage is still on my car!

one thing i DIDNT do was go off at the cop. i was as polite as him, if he had given me attitude, he would have recieved some from me. anyway, i didnt want this to turn into a slanging match. i was telling a story, a story that was very biased to me being right :)

anyway lock this thread or something i can see it turning into a repeat of something else

Author:  mokompri [ Thu Mar 25, 2004 2:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

yeah, general flow is, topic starter starts rant and rave, then we all nod and agree, yes you are right :)

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