Silvia Club of NSW

Lazy Parents and Dirty Children
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Author:  Turbo_Brian [ Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Lazy Parents and Dirty Children

Yep, I am having a winge again....

After the weekend working at the motor show, I have seen some incredible laziness from parents, and some pretty dirty children's hands, WOW!!!!!

I was dusting off fingerprints from a Merceds SLK350 convertable, only to see something amazing....

This mother lets her child climb into the car, and climb across the white leather seats, leaving muddy dirty shoe-prints everywhere, and then the kid drops the ice-cream on the boot of the car.

The Mother looked, and picked the icream up, places it back int he cone that the kid was holding, and continued to look at the cars without worrying.

What astounded me, was when I came over to clean the mess from the car, she wanted to have a go at me for making her child look bad (at this point, the GM of Mercedes Benz Australia came over, lifted the kid out and thanked the lady very much for 'animalising a $350k vehicle", and at this pointy she walked off and left the Merc stand very cranky and upset.

And the amount of people that have to touch, lean, rub their hands on, and leave smere marks over the cars is incredible, I have seen people aged from 3 yrs old to even 40 yrs of age get out of the driver's seat of the car, run they hand from the drivers door to the boot, across the boot, and all the way to the passenger door and hop in there to have a look at the car (why do this, it's fucked up and leaves nasty smere marks, get out, use the handles to close the door, dont touch the car until you reach the other side, and then use the handles to get in again.

And the bit that makes me wonder in amazement, the new GL 500 has an automatic boot, you press the button, it lifts it's self, you press the button again, it loweres it's self, if you press the button anywhere while it's in progress, it stops, but the boot lid get the most hand prints on there, even when you dont need to touch the boot at all, why do people have to grot up the cars...

On a lighter note, there was a Bogan hanging around the Maybach when we where trying to clean it, asking what features it had and all the specs and shit, when he asked the price the GM of Merc told him "way to much compared to your Holden", then he asked a priceless question "Do you get a woman that gives blow-jobs with this car", to which the GM smiled and said "Nope, you still need to pass by Kings Cross once a week for that"...

Author:  Mr-Silvia [ Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  R8

Yeah how disgusting that is!!
Almost the same story happened with R8, on the first day of showing few people start to form a line to grap the R8 from every possible angle and have a go trying the gear box :o :evil: . After few minutes, the show girl and the GM decided to lock the car because it was way too much...

I think they should do like Ferrari, build a fence and just look from distance and that is it!!

Author:  182Go [ Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds like the GM was a bit of an arse... but having said that female bodies should be fondled in that manner not car bodies. I'm with you keep your grubby mits off!

Author:  Mandy [ Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

I know where your coming from! I'm the secretary at a Prestige Dealer and families will come in and let their kids free in the showroom and they jump all over the cars and leave their grotty hand prints everywhere. They must have good taste too cos they choose the Ferrari's, DB9's and Bentley's the most!

Author:  Magnet [ Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

The motorshow is full of idiots. It's exactly the same every year.

I went a couple of years ago, and there was some guy on the floor trying to take a picture with a film camera. I walked infront of him as i didn't even see him as he was on the ground, he takes a photo and then he starts abusing me. Fuck, there's thousands of people walking around in there, as if you could expect to get a low-angle shot, or a clear shot at all.

Author:  MK [ Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:45 pm ]
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Doesnt suprise me, actually normally its yobbos and kids stealing gearknobs, scratching stuff and bending things that means that you dont get too sit in the things let along touch them anymore.
People are filthy little animals sometimes.

Author:  i want a silvia [ Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

God I hate bogans.

Author:  bogan [ Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:53 pm ]
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Author:  Nismodified [ Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

we still love you though bogan :)

Author:  bogan [ Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

thanks nismodified =]

Author:  182Go [ Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

I went to the jamboree in QLD and some wanker pinched a fabricated cap of one of the cars on show there. They would have no use for it other than pissing off the poor owner off. Some people should just grow up.

Author:  i want a silvia [ Tue Oct 31, 2006 5:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

bogan wrote:

Please stop wasting oxygen.

Author:  The Infamous [ Fri Nov 03, 2006 4:17 pm ]
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its funny that you're bitching about people leaving prints on the cars, but thats the same thing that's getting you paid :lol:

i had the same job many years ago dont worry i know how you feel

Author:  ZEi250t [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 12:42 am ]
Post subject: 

its also funny that its a car show and people go there to see the cars. ohh and the chicks :P

so one would assume one would want to touch desired object. get my drift?

also, isnt that what you get paid for?? hehe :)

Author:  Scathing [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 6:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

I got annoyed too, but only because it ruined my chances of getting shots of the car without smudge and smear marks all over the bodywork. You basically just had guys running around with Windex and Quick Detailer, and having to re-wipe the car every time some idiot got out.

The problem with the great unwashed is that they are unwashed, but not that great. Some people just treat the Motor Show like an amusement ride, and leave shit everywhere. I think they should close the cafe down and get rid of all the food stalls.

All of the cars on Ferrari's stand are customer cars, I believe. None of them are actually unsold, so its not surprising the cars are heavily fenced off. If I was gracious enough to donate my Fazza to the guys to show off.....I'd expect them to keep the dirty plebs that infest our roads the fuck away from my duco.

Speaking of Fazza's, though, I ran into someone on Thursday that is living my dream. I went out for a drive, and took the Old Pac on the way home. Between Calga and Mt White, I came across a red Ferrari 360 Spyder coming the other way. And the guy was not hanging around. The sound it made as it blew past me on throttle was amazing.

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