Silvia Club of NSW

Things that annoy me
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Author:  MK [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 8:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Think the first (and last now that I think about it) time I went into the NRMA there was this weasily little guy in a cardigan that looked at me like I'd just hopped up on his desk and taken a huge big shit on the application form, after murdering and eating his dog/wife/daughter when I described the car.

Admittedly, I look like someone that cuts toes off for a living but thats no reason to turn me down for insurance, I'm actually a fairly nice guy with a clean driving record of about 18years and 6years ago no one knew the difference between an S13 or their own arsehole.
I do remember the conversation though-
"So what is it?"
"Its an S13 nissan."
"Its not in our database, what year is it?"
"1991, its a grey import."
"Ohhhhh, I see. Import. Now is it modified."
"Do priests fuck kids?"
"I see, bodykit?"
"Ah, yeah but theyre kinda ugly."
"Like I'd import a fkn camry... Yes"
"Two or 4 door?"
"Alright, I'll just add that up for you and oh..."

Who wants to guess the 1st party insurance on someone who actually answered truthfully about there car as a then 28yr old, no criminal record, NO DRIVING FINES EVER, living in chatswood, gainfully employed and relatively socially responsible kind of guy?

Author:  cypher1024 [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:14 pm ]
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About 1/3rd of the value of the car?

Author:  MK [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:49 pm ]
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I bought the car for $12k, it was basically brand new, straight as a die and owned by some hairdresser chick who'd stuck about 50,000km's on it. A lovely beast :D
Shipping, compliancing and insurance on the way over was another $3k, I put a new leather interior in a and a 2nd hand HKS exhaut which brought it up to $17k. Which at the time was about what we where paying for them and I didnt meet anyone with a 2L K's for about 1-2years after I owned it.

Mr NRMA wanted $13,557

I shit you not.

Author:  Umai Naa [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 11:06 pm ]
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I thought NRMA were being kind when they quoted me $3K for a $1.5K granny-spec barina!!! :evil:

Author:  fergo308 [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 11:09 pm ]
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that takes the cake. I don't think anyone will top that,unless they want a bentley when they're 18,and are an overseas student on an international license,and living in redfern,parking it on the street.

what was in their coffee that day to help them to come up with that figure?


Author:  Nismodified [ Mon Feb 06, 2006 11:51 pm ]
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i LOVE all the NRMA adds i listen to on the radio, its seriously fucking hilarious the kind of shit they are trying to protray themselves as.

Author:  fergo308 [ Tue Feb 07, 2006 7:22 am ]
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they're supposedly about H-E-L-P. from what I've seen,they're only interested in C-A-S-H. as in taking yours and holding onto it.

some people have said that the only decent part of the company is the roadside service. I would agree if you're out in the country a lot and might need a tow back to Sydney,but otherwise,you can do better yourself.
many of us here will know our cars better than the guy that turns up in the hilux ute,most decent 24hr servos carry batteries that are both cheaper,and of better quality than the ones the NRMA provide,and anyone even half switched on isn't going to lock his keys in his car.
you don't NEED them.


Author:  fergo308 [ Tue Feb 07, 2006 7:22 am ]
Post subject: 

they're supposedly about H-E-L-P. from what I've seen,they're only interested in C-A-S-H. as in taking yours and holding onto it.

some people have said that the only decent part of the company is the roadside service. I would agree if you're out in the country a lot and might need a tow back to Sydney,but otherwise,you can do better yourself.
many of us here will know our cars better than the guy that turns up in the hilux ute,most decent 24hr servos carry batteries that are both cheaper,and of better quality than the ones the NRMA provide,and anyone even half switched on isn't going to lock his keys in his car.
you don't NEED them.


Author:  fergo308 [ Tue Feb 07, 2006 7:23 am ]
Post subject: 

they're supposedly about H-E-L-P. from what I've seen,they're only interested in C-A-S-H. as in taking yours and holding onto it.

some people have said that the only decent part of the company is the roadside service. I would agree if you're out in the country a lot and might need a tow back to Sydney,but otherwise,you can do better yourself.
many of us here will know our cars better than the guy that turns up in the hilux ute,most decent 24hr servos carry batteries that are both cheaper,and of better quality than the ones the NRMA provide,and anyone even half switched on isn't going to lock his keys in his car.
you don't NEED them.


Author:  cypher1024 [ Tue Feb 07, 2006 8:00 am ]
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fergo308 wrote:
I would agree if you're out in the country a lot and might need a tow back to Sydney..

I was thinking about signing up for the roadside assistance for this very reason. The only problem is that some of the better roads around here don't have very good mobile phone reception...

Author:  Turbo_Brian [ Tue Feb 07, 2006 8:39 am ]
Post subject: 

NRMA Roadside assistance is alright, and if your on Vodafone, the roads from Sydney to Brisbane are pretty much completely covered.

As for NRMA Insurance, I asked the guys for a quote over the phone, got a figure back of almost $6000 (for a 10k car), asked them to put this figure in writing, but they refused. I went to see them face to face and get a quote, and they came back with $7,200 (for a market value of apparently $12,999, asked for this in writing as I 'wanted to discuss with my other half', but they had a 'faulty printer'.

I then went and got a quote with Just Car insurance, they wanted to value my car at $14 including all modifications, and gave me back a written quote of $1,553.

I took the quote from Just car, and handed it to NRMA asking them why I can get such a good price from 1 place, but almost 5 times higher at another, their answer was that I must have lied to Jyst Car (even though they listed every modification, the car, the price, etc on the quotation).

I have since spoken to other people who have placed complaints with NRMA over exactly the same thing, no wonder NRMA was in trouble for a while, I seriously think they are only worried about over 25's with Falcadores and Magnas/Camrys, anyone else is a liability.


Author:  fergo308 [ Tue Feb 07, 2006 10:23 am ]
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Turbo_Brian wrote:
I seriously think they are only worried about over 25's with Falcadores and Magnas/Camrys, anyone else is a liability.

that's exactly how they feel,and to be honest,it's not without reason for them to be that way. modified car owners are not the safest demographic on average to insure. the ridiculously high premiums are their way of saying they don't want your business. I've taken that message on board. I don't give them a single cent,and neither does any member of my family,or most of my friends.


Author:  JayS14 [ Tue Feb 07, 2006 8:30 pm ]
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fergo308 wrote:
I don't give them a single cent,and neither does any member of my family,or most of my friends.

They don't get 1 single cent from me. And never will. :D

Author:  Mako [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:11 am ]
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i love the bullshit commericals they do - the bunny rabbit/toy-watever-the-fuck-it-was teddy for that little girl, and the wedding dress where that fat chick planted her car into the bushes and how she siad nrma helped her find a dress... My fucking arse... sugar-fucken-coated commericals!!

i bet they took photo of the bear and the dress, texted the area that needed to be repaired, dumped the pics on waited 3 months to see who had the lowest bid... sent the goods to china...

I just hate all insurance companies...

Author:  Arkhaeon [ Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:31 am ]
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I went to the NRMA for a quote on my 180 for shits n giggles.. When I said it was a grey import they were scared, when I said it had forged internals, cams etc, they were horrified, and when I said I was 21 they said "get fucked" :P

Those are actually their words ;)

The girl that was serving me had to call head office or something, and the bloke on the phone said to her something along the lines of "fuck off we'd ever insure him, tell him to get fucked!" - of course this was censored in the very polite way of "no we dont think we can insure you", but i sweet talked her to find out his exact words :P

I then asked if they wont insure any modified vehicles, what is their target audience? The reply was a difinitive "over 30 family car owners with no claim history".

They didnt even like my R31 Silhouette because it had non-standard wheels.. They liked the fact it was auto though :P

Im with justcars 8)

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