Silvia Club of NSW

Pedestrian Crossing
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Author:  mrsil80 [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:17 am ]
Post subject: 

ZEi20T wrote:
lol i think the law states that pedestrians have right of way on the road regardless of where you are. obviously that doesnt mean they can walk out in front of you, but if someone is crossing the road, you have to give way, yes even when there isnt a crossing

im sure that would not stop a whole lot of people...
i was always lead to believe that if theres a crossing or a "pedestrian island" people have their right of way - but other than not gonna even slow an inch, you cross (or as we call it legally... "jaywalking") im not gonna stop bc u dont know that jaywalking is illegal :roll:

considering that i aint seen anyone ever get booked for jaywalking, im hoping that one day somebody is....just so i can say i know one.

Author:  rusty1 [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

The one that p*sses me off the most is push bike riders that just ride staight onto a crossing and expect you to stop. Usually the pr*cks don't even have a helmet on :x :x

Author:  deniz86 [ Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:28 pm ]
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JayS14 wrote:
The thing is when im in the car I think f**ken pedestrians, but when i'm the pedestrian I think f**ken cars :P

hahah same man

Author:  i-nearly-bought-a-batty [ Wed Jan 10, 2007 3:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

rusty1 wrote:
The one that p*sses me off the most is push bike riders that just ride staight onto a crossing and expect you to stop. Usually the pr*cks don't even have a helmet on :x :x

..that's because pedestrian crossings have magical force fields that protect all who walk upon the printed lines. If a bus were to hurtle through, it'd bounce of them like they were made of candy floss :lol:

I expect people to do stupid sh1t, so when they do, I'm prepared :wink:

ps the reason they do it is because of the head injuries they sustained when they were young due to not wearing a helmet :lol:

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