Silvia Club of NSW

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Author:  BT [ Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Let's just hope we don't find out the hard way...

Author:  radism [ Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:12 pm ]
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the more i hear and read stories like this, the less i want to drive my car anywhere...

Author:  JayS14 [ Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

fergo308 wrote:
the rexie guy did what I would have done,floored it and gotten the fuck out of there. the coward wannabe car thief then shot at his back window in frustration,and the guy got a .22 in his shoulder through the back of the seat. he's lucky it was only a pissy little pistol that the prick had,but still,I reckon he did the right thing.
Thats what I would of done, I think most of us would do it.

Did any one see the cop on the TV saying, (If this happens to you just hand over the car and we will follow it up) BULL SHIT they could care less if some hoon (as they would say) got his/her car stolen.

Author:  ramfacedboy [ Sat Sep 02, 2006 5:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

there's a huge problem for car theft over here... I've had my s13 broken into a few times... by some bums that live in the bushes across from my house, no joke.

Every time, they've stolen spare change... nevermind the stereo, my gtech or my cd's... I've had a full set of wheels in there before, my wallet, my phone, a buddy's laptop... and all they stole was change, and a pack of smokes.

I caught a guy trying to hotwire my car in front of my house, in broad day light. I told him he could walk away, or I'd call the cops... his choice. He climbed out and tried to punch me, so i dropped him, and called the cops. I almost got charged for assault on that one... but I say, hey... self defence.

Author:  too_much_boost [ Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

ramfacedboy wrote:
I caught a guy trying to hotwire my car in front of my house, in broad day light. I told him he could walk away, or I'd call the cops... his choice. He climbed out and tried to punch me, so i dropped him, and called the cops. I almost got charged for assault on that one... but I say, hey... self defence.

Nice work :D

They should have thanked you for doing their job for them. The bunch of lazy shits

Author:  badhairdave [ Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ah the joys of a litigous society. And canadas not as bad as the us or aus either.

Nice work by the way :wink:

Author:  ramfacedboy [ Sat Sep 02, 2006 8:07 pm ]
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too_much_boost wrote:
Nice work :D

They should have thanked you for doing their job for them. The bunch of lazy shits

Everyone's so fucking liberal over here... if you touch someone, it's automatically ASSAULT!

I guess it's not as bad as other places, but I feel I've got every right to knock someone out if they provoke me. (regardless of the fact they tried to steal my car :P )

I felt kinda bad... he was probably 15 or 16. He'll never get charged, so at least he got a black eye outta the whole thing, lol.

Author:  i want a silvia [ Sun Sep 03, 2006 11:26 am ]
Post subject: 

ramfacedboy wrote:
too_much_boost wrote:
Nice work :D

They should have thanked you for doing their job for them. The bunch of lazy shits

Everyone's so fucking liberal over here... if you touch someone, it's automatically ASSAULT!

I guess it's not as bad as other places, but I feel I've got every right to knock someone out if they provoke me. (regardless of the fact they tried to steal my car :P )

I felt kinda bad... he was probably 15 or 16. He'll never get charged, so at least he got a black eye outta the whole thing, lol.

Never to young to have a good stint in prison to straighten him out.

If he reoffends, then it's back to the clinger I say!

P.S. Welcome ramfacedboy!

Author:  ramfacedboy [ Sun Sep 03, 2006 5:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

thanks, everyone's been really nice so far. It's refreshing, lol.

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