Silvia Club of NSW

This is one of those good new / bad new situations
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Author:  Timo [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

blu80 wrote:
lady signaled left and turned right

yeah some idiot did that to me as well, except they were doing a u-turn. i was able to just swerve around them on the opposite side of the road. lucky there were no oncoming cars or parked cars. i looked in my rear view mirror and the car had stopped and was just sitting there in the middle of the road.

hopefully the driver was just acknowledging their own stupidity and how i didnt crash into them. it was very close

Author:  182Go [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:47 pm ]
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contacted their insurance today and they said that he had to raise the claim. So I called him and he said he would do it tomorrow morning.

You just reminded me of a minor accident I had about 12 years ago. Some turkey in a BMW did a U turn right in front of me, I drove past and he proceeded to drive into the passanger side of my ute just behind the door.

It was WTF how could you have not seen me you just did a u-turn right in front of me. The halarious bit was he then proceeded to tell me the accident was my fault.

"LIKE FUCK IT IS!" :roll: he never paid up :evil:

Author:  andy's-s13 [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:16 pm ]
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over all guys some people do not know how to drive. i dont know how the fuk some people get there license's. ive had a few close calls that left me saying omg i cant believe this c*** for the next 12hrs. really some people are dead stupid or blind

Author:  Blakesilvia [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:04 pm ]
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andy's-s13 wrote:
over all guys some people do not know how to drive. i dont know how the fuk some people get there license's. ive had a few close calls that left me saying omg i cant believe this c*** for the next 12hrs. really some people are dead stupid or blind

Sometimes this is not the case, People like us usually tend to be in a situation like that ounce in there lifetime, where we do something accidently and cuase the accident.

Author:  andy's-s13 [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:09 pm ]
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yeh it all depends on the person. i am refering to myself in this instance and what i think of some other drivers. im sure im not the best driver around but i have common sense and awareness. some people just dont have that. :)

Author:  mz_s15 [ Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:35 pm ]
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Oh that sucks, I hate hearing when people lose their pride and joy :( I hope it all works out with the other cars insurance for ya :)

Speaking of people who cannot drive, I was parked in the main street of my somewhat smallish town. A guy in a old Landcruiser stoped, indicated and proceeded to reverse angle park. This woman in a brand new Jag comes along, rear ends him...then has the hyde to get out the car and scream at this poor old guy that its all his fault she crashed into him because he was reversing!! (Forgive me for thinking that it was ok to reverse park!)

It got that out of hand, the lady would not remove the jag from the middle of the road so no traffic could pass through, thus blocking the round-a-bout about 10m back. The cops were called and had to remove her from the scene. They said if she didn't pipe down that they would charge her with road rage, :lol: about people who cannot drive and don't know the road rules! :-?

Again, hope it all works out for ya :)


Author:  182Go [ Fri Nov 02, 2007 8:55 am ]
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Thanks for the support guys, unfortunately a large portion of the time the stupidity is not our doing, but 100% of the time the consequences fall on our heads. All part of life I guess and we just have to make the best of it.

I still remember what my dad said to me when I first got my license... "Watch out for dinosours crossing without stopping..." no he said "Treat everyone on the road like they an idiot, and expect them to do the most stupid things at the worst possible time, and if you always expect this you might just survive on the roads".

The only other decent peice of advice I ever recall him giving me was "don't touch that it's jail bait" :lol:

Author:  blu80 [ Fri Nov 02, 2007 10:51 am ]
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182Go wrote:
Thanks for the support guys, unfortunately a large portion of the time the stupidity is not our doing, but 100% of the time the consequences fall on our heads. All part of life I guess and we just have to make the best of it.

I still remember what my dad said to me when I first got my license... "Watch out for dinosours crossing without stopping..." no he said "Treat everyone on the road like they an idiot, and expect them to do the most stupid things at the worst possible time, and if you always expect this you might just survive on the roads".

The only other decent peice of advice I ever recall him giving me was "don't touch that it's jail bait" :lol:

ahahahah... my dads advice is


his a really good driver 0 Accidents

last time some one hit the side of his VAN and tried to run he chased them through town in his van lol, the guy who smacked his van decided to give up and was acting all tuff... out of his Lancer and was like wah wah wah why you following me for, pushed my old man and from that point on my dad smacked the shit out of him (Kick Boxer from Thai Land)

ahahaah cops came and he went to the station and court and so on, in the end the bloke from the Lancer had to Pay for the damage he caused to the Van.

=) Moral of this is don't mess with old people you don't know

Author:  andy's-s13 [ Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:10 pm ]
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i had a old bloke once nearly change lanes into my car with out seeing me, absoulutly stupid what he done so i stuck my finger up at him and dead set he sped up next to me and wanted to start a fight i was like your to old to bother with and i just took of :D
hehe dont mess with the elders

Author:  kornzfreak_84 [ Fri Nov 02, 2007 9:21 pm ]
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182Go wrote:
Thanks Splashy. If I had hit the other car square on the young female passanger may not have been that lucky. So even though I am a bit damaged and will be massively out of pocket, at least no one died, so we should count the blessing where we can.

Mate, you should be congratulated. I know some people who would have run into the car for the fear of the stupid driver driving away and you not being able to do a thing about it. And even if they didn't run away, they would be worried about how they are going to prove it wasn't your fault seeing as though there are no scratches on the blocking car and assuming no witnesses.

I'm guessing that asshole driving knew his female passenger could have been killed, and that's why he is accepting the blame for your misfortune.

Might be a small consolation, but in my eyes your a hero :)

Author:  Sal [ Sat Nov 03, 2007 2:34 am ]
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Paul, i know im not on here as much as i probably should be, but im in my first class in Uni and those pics just made my physically yelp.

Horrible news mate. The best of luck with sorting it out. :(

Author:  mayhem [ Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:15 pm ]
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Sad news mate, hope all works out well.

Seems you did a good job to avoid hitting their car, so hopefully it comes around and is in your favour.

Author:  182Go [ Mon Nov 12, 2007 7:39 am ]
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I can't seem to take a trick at the moment....

Saturday morning I wake up to find some low life has put my car up on bricks and stolen my wheels :evil:

Since the car is only 3rd party insured that comes out of my pocket too :cry:

Author:  mokompri [ Mon Nov 12, 2007 8:21 am ]
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woahh insult to injury :evil:

what else to say

Author:  182Go [ Mon Nov 12, 2007 8:40 am ]
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You know the funny thing is even though they are only worth probably $400, I actually feel far worse than then loosing probably $20k+ in the accident (thats if the insurance pay up).

I think it is the fact that someone has deliberately taken them that gets to me the most. I am trying very hard to not feel like ripping their spine out, as those kinds of negative thoughts only hurt me not them.

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