Silvia Club of NSW

ACA story on 'car hoons' 10/08/2007
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Author:  tendrils [ Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  ACA story on 'car hoons' 10/08/2007

ACA are airing [yet another?] story on car hoons tomorrow night 6:30pm Sydney, 7pm regional (Fri 10/08/2007).
I'll probably forget to watch it, but I'm sure someone will - so here's a thread for you to tear it apart in :)

Author:  Sal [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 5:26 am ]
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Someone capture it...seeing as i dont get channel 9 where i am. 8)

Author:  fergo308 [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 8:06 am ]
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I saw the promo for this last night. it was mostly shots of LEGAL drag racing at tracks,with comments by idiots interspersed throughout.

will watch it tonight if I can be bothered. I can only absorb so much sensationalism in one week,and I'm pretty close to my limit atm.


Author:  BT [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:43 am ]
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What's the premise of the story?

I'll probably be home for once tonight, so i'll try and remember to watch it.

Author:  ZEi250t [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:06 am ]
Post subject: 

yeah ill try to make this one too! or at least record it.

Author:  JDM_515 [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:13 am ]
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OMG its another one of ACA program that is totally biased i will watch it just for a laugh :lol:

Author:  Arkhaeon [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:27 am ]
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Ill just get angry if I watch it. I actually had a debate with the parents about this bullshit last night..

Im going to pay a visit to the camden police commander and have a chat about the cops' attitudes in the highlands. I can live with the "RBTs", but being treated like a criminal from the first word, just because I dont drive a falcadore/magmry, is a load of crap.
They dont speak to my MUM like that, so why cant I be spoken to like a human being?
If the cops want respect, perhaps they should give us a reason to give it to them.

ITS NOT THAT HARD TO BE POLITE. (or if not polite, at least not a fucking prick)

Author:  Leif [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:31 am ]
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So Ark, are the cops getting really out of hand up your way? Sounds like a shit of a situation man.. anyway i'm gonna have my two bobs worth.

I should point out before I start that i'm talking mostly at the P-platers and younger drivers on this forum. I know older people with imports
get pulled over too, but I think most of us will agree that P-plates are a cop-magnet.

I think it's very hard to generalise the police as a whole, because I genuinely believe that some do an good job and want nothing more than
to save young drivers from themselves. Now I might sound like someone's dad here, but there are some fast cars on this forum. The speeds that a lot of the cars on this forum are capable of are well outside the scope of safe for public roads, and what's more, they can reach them in an instant. It only takes one fu<>k up to harm a pedestrian or yourself and then it's too late. And that's the thing, it sounds to me like most of the people on this forum are committed to improving their driving skills - skidpans, motorkanas, circuit days whatever, but that doesn't help you spot a random pedestrian when you're doing 30 over the speed limit.

If you get the cop on the late shift/has a shit partner/chip on their shoulder,then I agree chances are you're fighting an uphill battle from the start. I figure that when a cop pulls you over, the best thing you can do is not take it personally. Remember that the statistics do tell PART of the story - you might not be a hoon, but CHANCES ARE (not certain, but likely) the bone head doing 160 on a public road won't be a middle aged mum, but will be a MALE UNDER 25. Why do you think our insurance premiums are so high? It's because people like us DO crash, and more often.

What i'm getting at is that when a cop sees you in your import cruising around he immediately thinks yeah, that's the kind of person they tell me to look out for! He doens't know anything about you personally. All the cop needs is one good reason to put you in that category and you are, proverbially, fu<>ed. So don't give them one! Be yourself, show that you're an intelligent road user, and that you don't belong in that category! The best we can do is destroy the stigma that a bunch of hoons have brought upon us. Represent, and do it right - you're helping everyone in a car like you out.

Author:  Magnet [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah no, this forum is full of old people, i'm one of the few p-plater hoons with an apparent small penis around here, and i don't even have a car atm. These hoons are restricted to non turbo also, they don't go anywhere in a hurry i'll tell you now.

Leif wrote:
The best we can do is destroy the stigma that a bunch of hoons have brought upon us

Don't you mean, the stigma the media has brought upon us?

I think you have the wrong forum, i don't know anyone on here that is one of the people you're directing at, maybe some of the lébros abusing the for sale section, but that's about it.

Author:  tendrils [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:15 pm ]
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Leif makes some valid points - yes, the statistics do - in some way - back up a pre-conceived notion of idiocy - but as Magnet says, that's not the status quo here - I haven't been under 25 for several years.

As I was leaving my parents place last night I heard the low noise of a turbo being flogged somewhere in the distance (definitely a clutch drop) - I made sure to behave myself totally the whole drive home just in case Mr Policeman was out and thought that idiot might've been me...

Author:  DC-3132 [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:23 pm ]
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Im a green P plater, and I drive an 99 S15

I hope I dont count as someone abusing the for sale area. I have only owned my car for just on a year now, and have been pulled over a fair few times. I have 3" exhaust (its loud) FMIC (its shiny) and no BOV (VL turbo flutter)

Initially, what you all say is right. The cop gets out of his car with a swagger, comes over, asks for your licence a breathtest what you are doing out, dont do burnouts why are you drifting why are you street racing where do you live what is your dogs name what colour is the sky.

If you stay calm, answer their questions calmly and politely, have a polite answer for all the possble things that they will have to say, about you FMIC/BOV/jetpack/quad turbo setup on your chevvy camaro silvia, then 9 times out of 10, if you were stopped for the routine RBT/licence check/mobile defect patrol, they you can continue along your way unscathed

Author:  Leif [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:52 pm ]
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Magnet wrote:
Leif wrote:
The best we can do is destroy the stigma that a bunch of hoons have brought upon us

Don't you mean, the stigma the media has brought upon us?

What I mean is that hoons create this reputation/stigma. People are out there being clowns on the road, but the media then blankets the stigma over a lot more people than it applies to e.g. p-platers who happen to drive imports and don't want any trouble.

Reading my post again, I reckon it sounds a bit condescending/patronising so I apologise to you magnet (and any other p-platers reading). I'm definitely not having a go at p-platers. What i'm getting at is why young drivers with these cars get attention - it's often because of other people and we have to wear that, but I do think we have some power to change public perception by being seen as the responsible ones in a crowd that aren't known for it.

Author:  Arkhaeon [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 3:00 pm ]
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It would be nice though, if instead of treating you like a criminal when you havent done anything wrong, they spoke to you with a degree of respect.

The southern highlands cops have a very bad reputation for being assholes, and they wonder why the public view on cops isnt all too positive..

The only time ive been treated like a human being by a cop, was the one time I was pulled over for actually doing something wrong! Of course, that was in penrith, not in the southern highlands.

Ive written about it before, but the highway patrol officer that pulled me over for going 15km/h over the speed limit has actually EARNED MY RESPECT. He managed to gain my respect, as well as the respect of my friends that were with me - and thats even with me getting a fine.

I dont usually do the wrong thing on the street, and will do 2km/h under the speed limit just in case, so when I get pulled over "randomly" (when other cars were flying past me) and then treated like the scum under the cops' toilet seat, it really gets me pissed off.

Im always polite back to them, and generally dont get hassled for defects or the like, but that doesnt mean I am happy to be yelled at and accused of being a "street racer" and a general piece of shit.

I hope some cops read this.. maybe itll open their eyes as to how theyre acting.

Author:  Arkhaeon [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 3:04 pm ]
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You never hear people saying "I saw a P plater driving absolutely perfectly today, all the best to them!".
Shit - I see well behaved P platers (and import drivers) all the time!

However you only remember the fuckwits, and thats why the minority overwhelms the majority.

Author:  Leif [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 3:44 pm ]
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Arkhaeon wrote:
However you only remember the fuckwits, and thats why the minority overwhelms the majority.

Yeah true. An ACA segment isn't exactly going to help the cause either.
Fuck I hate that show...

I think what you say about cops is true beyond cars too man. E.g. I've got a couple of friends who've attended various protests (non-violent) and they said the exact same thing - you get treated like scum until 'proven otherwise'. There's something wrong with that.

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