Silvia Club of NSW

Stupid P platers
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Author:  tipper_86 [ Tue May 10, 2005 8:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

hey i thought post a couple of things on this thread that not all P platers are idiots it's just the one that think they are king sh*t. And they're usually the one who have had there cars given to them. For example the photos of the white commo was being a complete show off, he had the car for a week and his dad bought it for him, and obiviously he thought he could do anything witha v8 under his right foot. luckily no one was really hurt, his female passengers suffered a bruise and a cut hand. but on ther other hand this other incident happened this weekend but i can't really comment on this one but you can make your own. but this final little story was about a few guys that didn't like came around and abused me then in an attempt to do some doughnuts in mum's pajero they rolled it and i had to end up helping get the car back on it's wheels. he only had his licence for 3 days,7168,15229784%255E15721,00.html


Author:  Tallywhacker [ Wed May 11, 2005 4:55 pm ]
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Ah justice.

The first years of driving are so much fun aren't they? You go from everyone harrassing you on the road because you've got L's and therefore can't drive to everyone harrassing you because you've got P's and therefore think you're top shit. It's no wonder we all get angry and drive so aggressively - the way Sydney people drive very much inspires the 'cut someone off before they cut you off' mentality. I'm already turning into a little road rager after a few months of driving thanks to the constant tailgaiting, lane cutting, horn honking and abuse when I'm not doing anything wrong, and my personal favourite of people overtaking me at 20k over the speed limit and cutting back in front of me again.

Author:  MK [ Wed May 11, 2005 5:50 pm ]
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Sydney driving...
I dunno where to begin, it would make a saint call someone a c*nt after a few hours of it. Before I moved to Sydney a few years ago I reckon I could count on one hand in 16 years of driving, the amount of times I'd have used the horn to warn someone to get the hell out of the way or dont hit me.

Think in less than a year of living in Chatswood (lol...International driving licences should be null and void. This isnt a fucking paddock and your not driving a water buffalo) I wore out a set of air horns. Since then I got myself a dinky little electric horn, which is good for maybe amusing kids and retards with its whining and buzzing.
No, need to get air-horns again, not the little ones, couple of those big chrome, truck sized mother fuckers that can split eardrums on a kangaroo at 50metres.

Author:  SL11DE [ Mon May 16, 2005 9:50 pm ]
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i had my silvia kicked in the door and i put up a fight knocked him over then he got a pole out of his truck so i tried to settle to fight down to prevent more damage (pole) but i seen him later he appoligised and he had a black eye.
But didnt fix my car

Author:  Magnet [ Sun Jul 03, 2005 4:07 pm ]
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Rather than start a new topic ill post here.

I was sitting at the lights in the left lane on a main road yesterday. I looked in my mirror to check who was behind me, old commodore with a green p on it. i didnt think much of it.

Lights went green and this fag was all over me. beeping me and shit, he changed lanes and floored it past me. I dont know weather he was being a dick, becuase he drives a commodore. Or weather he thinks i was taking off too slow. The road was full of bumps and pot holes anyway, so theres no way i could have gone any faster.

I dont see why "they" have to be such dickheads, it was completly pointless

Author:  whyte [ Sat Jul 23, 2005 1:24 am ]
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I dont see why "they" have to be such dickheads

its because they drive a commowhore and commodore = GOD; KING OF THE ROAD.

Author:  hybrid [ Mon Jul 25, 2005 3:35 pm ]
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s15jspec wrote:
hah nahh wasnt me if it was me you would have had no face... soo yea.


Author:  U2RNVS [ Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Starting shit.

yeah, there are dickheads out there. but don't provoke if you can't back it up...

Author:  Fester [ Sun Oct 16, 2005 9:35 pm ]
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Tallywhacker wrote:
the way Sydney people drive very much inspires the 'cut someone off before they cut you off' mentality. I'm already turning into a little road rager after a few months of driving thanks to the constant tailgaiting, lane cutting, horn honking and abuse when I'm not doing anything wrong, and my personal favourite of people overtaking me at 20k over the speed limit and cutting back in front of me again.

You've encapsulated driving in Sydney perfectly. Nice job _b

Author:  Risking [ Sun Oct 16, 2005 9:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

I got abused by some wanker today, I was travelling along in a 60k zone when he reversed into the traffic from a car park and then proceded to give me the fingure and swear when I swerved to miss him :roll:

Author:  badhairdave [ Sun Oct 16, 2005 10:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Risking wrote:
I got abused by some wanker today, I was travelling along in a 60k zone when he reversed into the traffic from a car park and then proceded to give me the fingure and swear when I swerved to miss him :roll:

Thats when you pull up, pick up the club lock and proceed to show him the true meaning of road rage.

I think i must be a scary looking bastard or something because i've actually had people cringe when i've politely pointed out what a fucking retard they are and explain why they'd be safer if they didn't try to drive anywhere within a km of me.

Author:  Razor [ Sun Oct 16, 2005 10:31 pm ]
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badhairdave wrote:
Thats when you pull up, pick up the club lock and proceed to show him the true meaning of road rage.

I think i must be a scary looking bastard or something because i've actually had people cringe when i've politely pointed out what a fucking retard they are and explain why they'd be safer if they didn't try to drive anywhere within a km of me.

Answered your own question there!

Author:  Risking [ Sun Oct 16, 2005 10:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dave you are a big scary barstard :P

It was on blaxland Dave, he was reversing out of the auto one at the corner of badgally. Looked straight at me then reversed off the kerb into the traffic. I didn't even hit the horn and I still managed to get abused :o

Author:  ZEi250t [ Sun Oct 16, 2005 11:50 pm ]
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i was on the way back from the GFs house tonight, why is it that skyline drivers on their red Ps instantly assume 1, you want to race from the traffic lights and 2, that their tank is faster?

Author:  Mandy [ Mon Oct 24, 2005 1:15 pm ]
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Cos everyone on their red P's are fully sick bro :o
I am on my red P's, i drive pretty safely, most of the time... But everyone gives their cars hits every now and then. But yeah, i'd have to say that pretty much any guy on their red P's wanna race anything that moves. I always get people trying to race me and i just have an NA rolla! I think they just wanna see 'Who's Bigger :wink: ' lol

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